The Faculty of Letters of the "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, along with the Romanian Association of Press History (ARIP), the Institute for the Culture of Romanians in Vojvodina (Serbia), the University of Novi Sad (Serbia), the "Romanian Sheet" – the Journal of Romanians in Hungary, the Archdiocese of the Lower Danube, the Bishopric of Tulcii, the "Paul Paltanea" History Museum and the "V.A. Urechia" Library organize, on October 6 and 7,  in Galati, the sixteenth edition of the International Conference "CULTURE AND PRESS IN THE EUROPEAN SPACE", which has as theme: "HYBRID WAR REFLECTED IN THE MEDIA".

The official opening of the event takes place on Friday, at 11:00, in the Senate Hall (47 Domneasca Street), and after the welcome speeches of the leadership of DJUG and the Faculty of Letters, Carmen Ionescu, director of the RADOR News Agency, will lecture in plenary on the topic: The hybrid war in Ukraine - an unprecedented attempt for news agencies and professor Anatol Petrencu from "Bogdan-Petriceicu Hasdeu" State University of Cahul, Republic of Moldova, about: The aggressive war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine - analysis of the current situation.

"Forty professors will represent 20 universities and research institutes from Romania, Moldova, Serbia, Hungary, and Albania at "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, in order to discuss hybrid warfare and its effects in the media, an extremely topical topic. Hybrid warfare involves inducing panic among the public opinion, sowing distrust in its own leaders, demoralizing the army, the goal being simple: to destroy a state from within costs infinitely less than to conquer it by force of arms. False messages reached in the media discredit democratic institutions, which increases the danger hanging over a population lacking, for the most part, media literacy, allowing it to develop critical thinking", explained Assoc. Prof. Catalin Negoita, professor at the Faculty of Letters and the president of ARIP.

The scientific papers will be presented in the second part of Friday, both physically and online, and will be published in a volume of the Mediamorphoses series.