"Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati occupies the 11th place in the University Metaranking for the year 2022. "The increase in concern for research at DJUG is reflected in the score obtained in recent years, from 1 in 2019, to 3 in 2021, to 4 in 2022, that is, a 400% progress has been registered in recent years, which makes us happy", explained university Professor Puiu Lucian GEORGESCU, Rector of "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati.

The university meta ranking 2022 is made by a group of experts from several higher education centers, based on the main international rankings, and published, in the new edition, by the Qualitas Center of UBB. DJUG shares the 11th place in this ranking, with the University of Craiova and the University "Ștefan cel Mare" from Suceava, having obtained the same score, according to the presence in the international rankings.

"The purpose of the University Metaranking is to identify which of these higher education institutions have minimal international visibility in the major university rankings (they are present in at least one ranking included in the analysis) and what their relative impact is in the international academic area (through the score obtained in meta ranking)", state the authors of the ranking.
In Romania, there are almost 100 universities, of which a little over half are public.
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